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ID: 67053a39256715cda41c80c2

Uploader: dforys

Short Description: implementation of mira curve

Created At: 5/23/2006, 1:00:00 AM

Updated At: 10/8/2024, 3:57:13 PM

Description: Mira's Model<br\> <p>The coordinates of the points on the Mira curve are generated iteratively through the following system of nonlinear difference equations:</p> x(k+1) = by(k)+F(x(k))<br/> y(k+1) = -x(k)+F(x(k+1))<br/> <p>where</p> F(x) = ax + (2(1-a)x*x)/(1+x*x)<br/>

Categories: FractalsAndCurves


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