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Excel File Demo


ID: 67053a3f256715cda41c8685

Uploader: dforys

Short Description: How to load Excel tabels into your model.

Description: Demonstrates how Excel files can be loaded by a model. For example to load climate data and so on.

How It Works: To use this technique you need to instal the external libary <a href="">"Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft Documents"</a> (<a href="">download</a>)<br> You can create a folder "ext" next to the GroIMP "plugins" folder and copy the poi-jars into it or you install then inside java to your Java libary path (<javahome>/jre/lib/ext/).

Related Models: 67053a41256715cda41c87a2

Categories: 6705382e256715cda41c7e08
