ID: 67053a40256715cda41c872e
Uploader: dforys
Short Description: Movie demo with two output modes: rendered image and snapshot
Created At: 1/10/2010, 12:00:00 AM
Updated At: 10/8/2024, 3:57:27 PM
How It Works: The mode is selectable by a global flag. <br> The function <i>makeImage()</i> makes an image of the actual scene and afterwards it runs run-function one time. The result is a set of images which needs to be connected afterward to a video sequence or anny other animation.
Things to Notice: * To create a video with ffmpeg: <br> <i>ffmpeg -r 3 -i *.png -b 4000000 out.mpg</i> <br> or with mencoder<br> <i>mencoder -o out.avi -ovc lavc mf://*.png on:w=640:h=480:fps=20</i><br> * To get an animated gif with ImageMagic: <br> <i>convert -delay 70 -loop 0 *.png MovieDemo.gif</i>
Related Models: antMovie
Categories: Technics