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ID: 67053a41256715cda41c87d8

Uploader: dforys

Short Description: Demonstrates how to run GroIMP headless to render only the actual saved scene.

Description: <p>The command line to run GroIMP headless is:</p> <p><i>java -cp BASE/XL-Core/build:BASE/Utilities/build:BASE/Graph/build:BASE/Platform-Core/build -Xmx1000m -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=USERDIR --project-tree --headless --debug=INFO -Xraytracerseed=SEED -- -cmd "/cmdline/render=MODEL.gsz SIZE OUTFILE" 2> ~/render_out.txt</i></p> <p>where you have to insert for</p> BASE ... the GroIMP path<br> SEED ... random seed for the raytracer<br> USERDIR ... your root directory <br> MODEL ... the name of the model you want to start<br> SIZE ... size of the image e.g. "800x600", "1200x900"<br> OUTFILE ... name of the output file <br>

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Categories: 6705382e256715cda41c7e08
